- Good evening, if you've got a moment please stop in and view my 2 ne...w reels: commercial and Narrative. Cheers, David David Joseph McCannon . See More
- Hi! We do live screen printing as experiential marketing for parties... and events, and we're in the Atlanta area! Let us know if we can print some shirts for you. www.facebook.com/inkpluscotton See More
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
We're working on publishing "Your Guide to Timesheet Bathing."
"What’s important is your relationship to the timesheet. Think it over. Take your time. The timesheet isn’t going anywhere."
A painful scene to watch, but exciting to think about the innovative new usage that will surely spring forth.
Agencies are in the imagination business. We're at our best during challenging times.
Last night's fortune cookie dropping knowledge:
Avoid compulsively making things worse.
If what you're doing isn't producing the results you want, we're here to help.
Do you understand perfume ads?
Neither do we.
Nobody likes overpaying. Especially overpaying by 28%.
The first lap of 2018 is coming to a close. Is your team short on:
1. Initiative?
2. Talent?
3. Focus?...
4. Bandwidth?
5. Results?
We can help.
Ads in the newspaper and now Elon chiming in. This is getting serious.
Struggling to figure out your online voice and boost engagement? Taking a page from some favorite YouTuber playbooks may be just what you need.
Does this apply to offices as well?
Videos are fun...if nailed on take one.
Plus, we love sharing a great company story.
Denmark (the agency) updated their cover photo.
It's a big world of ideas out there. Be sure to get out from behind the desk and explore it.