5 Ways Content Marketing can Improve Conversions for Considered-Purchase Brands

More and more Considered-Purchase Brands seeking a cost-effective way to improve their lead generation are implementing a content-based lead generation program to engage prospects and increase conversions.

While content-based marketing programs are most often part of the marketing arsenal for B2B brands, today’s B2C Considered-Purchase Brands are also benefiting by leveraging this evergreen strategy.

  1. Provide relevant content for each stage of the Buying Cycle.

    Shocking as this sounds, a recent poll of B2B marketers showed only 38% tailor their content to address the different questions asked at each of the different buying stages.
    By simply providing relevant answers at the appropriate stages of the buyer’s interest, you can gain a 62% advantage over your competition.

  2. Offer a variety of White Papers in your Content Library.

    These more in-depth answers, typically 6-12 pages in length, give you the opportunity to not only address the buyers’ specific issues and concerns that arise at the different stages, but also you can address the different perspectives of spouses or other influencers. White Paper topics can include broad industry trends, efficiency and operational benefits, costs savings and environmental or sustainability benefits, or any unique attributes of your brand.

  3. Use eBooks to increase registrations.

    We’re not talking about the electronic reader version, like Amazon’s Kindle. Rather, think a longer document in PDF format – typically loaded with great graphics – and requiring registration for download. While eBooks can be offered for free, remember that people are willing to give you their attention and contact information in exchange for desired content.

  4. Webinars and Demos add more power.

    Take a quantum leap ahead of your competitors by adding videos, flash animation, slides with audio and all manner of interactive content. Any of these techniques will greatly improve the customer experience and increase their sense of connection with your product or service, right along with your brand.

  5. Become a trusted News Resource for your prospects.

    Another way to increase the value and scope of your content is to create an evergreen library of relevant third-party content. By pointing your prospects to publicly available articles, you are saving them time and reinforcing your own message with the strength of that same third-party credibility.

Today people turn to the Internet to find the information they need and want long before they ever talk to your sales people. Don’t risk losing your prospective buyers as they attempt to find answers to their questions somewhere else. Give them the answers they want, when they want it and where you want it (your site and sources).

By giving your prospects the full spectrum of high-value content – content that is pertinent, important, informative and orchestrated to their buying stage, you will be giving them what they want and need, which in turn will earn their trust and generate a higher rate of conversion.